My Mission with this Blog

On any given day your mood can change 1000's of times. In my constant effort to make GOD first I struggle with my mood and attitude just like everyone else. My goal is to share some uplifting words and stories with you all to help you stay on an even keel. I look forward to your continued support.

Slide with the A-Team

Monday, January 7, 2008


In treating your business as a business you have to learn to think like a business owner. I like to model myself after the big boys in the industry. Walmart is a business I study alot. I hate going into the store but to be honest they have everything. They have learned how to be everything to everyone. Their shelves have all the new products at the best prices. How do they do that? Supply and demand. They buy wholesale and sell retail. They have the most supply for the products that are in the most demand. That is a recipe for success.By modeling myself like Walmart I treat any opportunity the same way. I always want to buy at wholesale and sell retail. I also want to market a product that the demand is high and I have a big supply of. That means that Coastal fits the criteria. And by deduction if I treat Coastal like a business I will be paid that way. Its all in the mindset and following certain business principles. There are business principles that work in any business. When we learn these principles and apply them everything goes well.I want you to ask yourself a question. When you talk about your business to others do you act like it's a small mom and pop operation or do you look at it as a major corporation? This is an important question. If you look at your business as a business others will treat you and it accordingly. Change your mindset and change your results.

Adam Frederick - product page - business opportunity page - free option - A-Team Travel Party
302 275 5656

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