My Mission with this Blog

On any given day your mood can change 1000's of times. In my constant effort to make GOD first I struggle with my mood and attitude just like everyone else. My goal is to share some uplifting words and stories with you all to help you stay on an even keel. I look forward to your continued support.

Slide with the A-Team

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Treat Coastal as a Business

What is a business? A business is where you have a service to offer and you exchange that service for something in return. Now for someone to want your service they must first have a need for what you do. I will refer to that as the "WHY". Now understand for them to give you some sort of 'CURRENCY" your service must be worthy. Would you spend your money on a new car if it didnt look new? Probably not ( some savvy buyers would use that as a opportunity to get a lower price). This exactly what happens when the perceived value of a product is lowered. You get haggling. Have any of you ever tried to haggle the price of a makeover in a beauty salon? Not many do they just pay the posted prices on services. You see they have established themselves as a viable business with a valuable product and you will even wait weeks to get an appointment to pay their price. They treat their business as a business and people act accordingly.I have never had problems with the money issue when it comes to prospects. I saw Coastal for the value is was right in the beginning. 5 cruises for $1295. That's a no-brainer. When I talk to a client I show them the value of the product. When they understand value they are willing to exchange their "CURRENCY" as now they have a big enough "WHY". I treat Coastal like the business it is. When I do that prospects act accordingly. Many of my teammates and associates work Coastal part-time. I give them the salon talk all the time. I assure them if they direct someone through the info and let them know you have specific hours for your business the serious prospects will follow the instructions. It indirectly conveys a few ideas to them.1- First off they see you are serious as you act professional and have hours of operations.2- It lets them know they can do they same. So many of us have way too busy lives so the last thing we need is another something to intrude on our lives.Again business owners understand this. Why do you think drive thru fast food stores do so well. Its the convenience. As you show a prospect that this business is an enhancement to their lives and not just an addition you will see your finances and time freedom soar.So step one is TREAT YOUR BUSINESS LIKE A BUSINESS!

Adam Frederick
302 476 2753

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