My Mission with this Blog
On any given day your mood can change 1000's of times. In my constant effort to make GOD first I struggle with my mood and attitude just like everyone else. My goal is to share some uplifting words and stories with you all to help you stay on an even keel. I look forward to your continued support.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Treating your business like a business...cont
Treating your business as a business means learning to adapt. New technology is always coming out and we must be able to embrace it. Look at traditional businesses like fast food. With the big push on health many restaurants now have meals that are much better for our bodies. They have adapted. Do you do the same? Email marketing is forever changing. Phone calling is changing. B2B presentations are different than when I got in sales. You must learn to adapt.This is the hardest part of any business. To learn how to embrace change and implement it without slowing down production can be hard to juggle. Take Contact Talk. I dont have the program but have been talking to many that have it. The going thing is that it takes some time to learn it. Many are faster learners than others so the slower learners will be taking time away from other business activities to get the jist of the program. That time can result in slower production. So you have to learn to weigh implementing new technology. My usual method is to have new technology overlap with my older technoogy. By this I mean test out new stuff before you do away with the old way.As you will continue to see I will always give examples of traditional business. It seems to me with all the downsizing and outsourcing of jobs that some day home based business will be traditional business. The good thing is the same principles always work. Give people good service for a fair price. Buy merchandise at wholesale and sell retail. Give customers what they want. I know that as you change your mindset about business you will see incredible result. In fact I feel sorry for many business owners I meet. There is a meat market in my town that my wife and I frequent. As we go there often we have gotten friendly with the owner and the fact we are business owners as well has come up. As we talked about us being in travel his eyes lit up. We asked where he would like to go and when and his response was ill be going on vacation in about 2 years from now. I asked why so long and he explained that he has no one he can trust to run the business in his absence. Thats is painful. Here is someone living the so called american dream that cant even enjoy the fruits of is labor.I am so happy we are in the industry we are in. I get up when I want, go to bed when I want and live the lifestyle I want. What better life could I ask for. I get to interact with so many incredible people and learn as I go. If you want the best life you can have then get in a home based business like Coastal and treat it like a business and get ready for amazing rewards and blessings.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Where is the A-Team?
The A-Team which is comprised of Adam and April Frederick jumped on the scene in the home based business arena with a bang. They joined the Coastal Synergy Group in May 2005 and made over 10k in their first 7 weeks of business. Now for you all that don’t know the Coastal Synergy Group (CSG) is a group within Coastal Vacations. Coastal Vacations is an association that markets an amazing travel package worth well over $15000 even at the lowest level and where distributors make $1000 - $9705 on each and every sale. It has been around for over 14 years now and is strategically placed in the ever growing travel industry.
The A-Team showed their star quality right from the beginning. At the first CSG Training Event in Sept 2005 they were awarded Rookie of the Year and in November 2005 were asked to serve on the prestigious CSG Leadership Board. They grew in popularity and business stature and became some of the most sought after members in the CSG. Their trainings for the CSG became legendary esp. when they trained on testimonials and live events. This amazing growth allowed them to be featured in the HBC Magazine in May 2006. Take a look at the article @ page 26 + 27. This magazine is one of the best in the home based business arena and is sent out to 100’s of thousands of readers.
After almost 18 months of service to the CSG the A-Team decided to step down from the CSG Leadership. They looked at their tenure as a great experience as they positively affected the lives of so many and grew as leaders. This is by far one of the best times we have had in our lives. We met so many incredible people and got to rub shoulders and learn from so many amazing leaders. We wouldn’t trade that time for anything in the world. The growth we had in our business and more importantly personally cannot be described in words. It is an education we could not have paid enough money to receive. To be on the cutting edge of one of the hottest growing groups in Coastal Vacations is not anything to be taken lightly. Many of our ideas are being used in the policies of the CSG today and we feel proud to say that.
Well after stepping down and taking some much needed rest from the day to day grind of being on a leadership board we have been able to refocus our energy. When we started in Coastal our passion was to create systems for the common guy to do well in any home based business. Being on the leadership sidetracked a lot of those dreams and moving away has given us the time to put our efforts back where our passion is.
With much pleasure we are pleased to announce the start of our own marketing venture. The internet has opened a wide avenue for many to amass a fortune using the tools that are now available to everyone. We have begun to specialize in lead capture, website development, internet marketing, business coaching as well as creating products to help people grow their business. We have begun a venture called the ACA Marketing Group. You can take a look at our website @ .
Each and every week we get a phone call or an email asking where the A-Team is and if we are still in Coastal Vacations. The answer is a resounding yes. We have switched to a different system than the CSG and went back to basics by joining Coastal Vacations official sites and marketing system. The choice for us was simple. We wanted to make a clean break and go back to where Coastal began. What better place to be than with the Official System. This is not by any means to say the other groups in Coastal aren’t good just they aren’t the choice for us. Going back to the basic has allowed us to focus on continuing to build our own team and given us the time to create more and more systems that help everyone succeed in Coastal.
We look forward to creating products, conducting seminars and meeting all the great people that are in the home based business arena. Be on the lookout for our new free teleseminars on internet marketing coming before the end of the year as well as a whole entire line of affordable products on how to succeed in business. The A-Team has always been about sharing with everyone and that is what we plan on doing.
So when you get the question of where is the A-Team now you have your answer. Be sure to visit us on the web on our new marketing venture @ Go and give us some feedback or just stop in to say hi.
Adam + April Frederick – the business opportunity – exciting Coastal presentation – product page – still under construction business page
302 476 2753
The A-Team showed their star quality right from the beginning. At the first CSG Training Event in Sept 2005 they were awarded Rookie of the Year and in November 2005 were asked to serve on the prestigious CSG Leadership Board. They grew in popularity and business stature and became some of the most sought after members in the CSG. Their trainings for the CSG became legendary esp. when they trained on testimonials and live events. This amazing growth allowed them to be featured in the HBC Magazine in May 2006. Take a look at the article @ page 26 + 27. This magazine is one of the best in the home based business arena and is sent out to 100’s of thousands of readers.
After almost 18 months of service to the CSG the A-Team decided to step down from the CSG Leadership. They looked at their tenure as a great experience as they positively affected the lives of so many and grew as leaders. This is by far one of the best times we have had in our lives. We met so many incredible people and got to rub shoulders and learn from so many amazing leaders. We wouldn’t trade that time for anything in the world. The growth we had in our business and more importantly personally cannot be described in words. It is an education we could not have paid enough money to receive. To be on the cutting edge of one of the hottest growing groups in Coastal Vacations is not anything to be taken lightly. Many of our ideas are being used in the policies of the CSG today and we feel proud to say that.
Well after stepping down and taking some much needed rest from the day to day grind of being on a leadership board we have been able to refocus our energy. When we started in Coastal our passion was to create systems for the common guy to do well in any home based business. Being on the leadership sidetracked a lot of those dreams and moving away has given us the time to put our efforts back where our passion is.
With much pleasure we are pleased to announce the start of our own marketing venture. The internet has opened a wide avenue for many to amass a fortune using the tools that are now available to everyone. We have begun to specialize in lead capture, website development, internet marketing, business coaching as well as creating products to help people grow their business. We have begun a venture called the ACA Marketing Group. You can take a look at our website @ .
Each and every week we get a phone call or an email asking where the A-Team is and if we are still in Coastal Vacations. The answer is a resounding yes. We have switched to a different system than the CSG and went back to basics by joining Coastal Vacations official sites and marketing system. The choice for us was simple. We wanted to make a clean break and go back to where Coastal began. What better place to be than with the Official System. This is not by any means to say the other groups in Coastal aren’t good just they aren’t the choice for us. Going back to the basic has allowed us to focus on continuing to build our own team and given us the time to create more and more systems that help everyone succeed in Coastal.
We look forward to creating products, conducting seminars and meeting all the great people that are in the home based business arena. Be on the lookout for our new free teleseminars on internet marketing coming before the end of the year as well as a whole entire line of affordable products on how to succeed in business. The A-Team has always been about sharing with everyone and that is what we plan on doing.
So when you get the question of where is the A-Team now you have your answer. Be sure to visit us on the web on our new marketing venture @ Go and give us some feedback or just stop in to say hi.
Adam + April Frederick – the business opportunity – exciting Coastal presentation – product page – still under construction business page
302 476 2753
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Treat Coastal as a Business
What is a business? A business is where you have a service to offer and you exchange that service for something in return. Now for someone to want your service they must first have a need for what you do. I will refer to that as the "WHY". Now understand for them to give you some sort of 'CURRENCY" your service must be worthy. Would you spend your money on a new car if it didnt look new? Probably not ( some savvy buyers would use that as a opportunity to get a lower price). This exactly what happens when the perceived value of a product is lowered. You get haggling. Have any of you ever tried to haggle the price of a makeover in a beauty salon? Not many do they just pay the posted prices on services. You see they have established themselves as a viable business with a valuable product and you will even wait weeks to get an appointment to pay their price. They treat their business as a business and people act accordingly.I have never had problems with the money issue when it comes to prospects. I saw Coastal for the value is was right in the beginning. 5 cruises for $1295. That's a no-brainer. When I talk to a client I show them the value of the product. When they understand value they are willing to exchange their "CURRENCY" as now they have a big enough "WHY". I treat Coastal like the business it is. When I do that prospects act accordingly. Many of my teammates and associates work Coastal part-time. I give them the salon talk all the time. I assure them if they direct someone through the info and let them know you have specific hours for your business the serious prospects will follow the instructions. It indirectly conveys a few ideas to them.1- First off they see you are serious as you act professional and have hours of operations.2- It lets them know they can do they same. So many of us have way too busy lives so the last thing we need is another something to intrude on our lives.Again business owners understand this. Why do you think drive thru fast food stores do so well. Its the convenience. As you show a prospect that this business is an enhancement to their lives and not just an addition you will see your finances and time freedom soar.So step one is TREAT YOUR BUSINESS LIKE A BUSINESS!
Adam Frederick
302 476 2753
Adam Frederick
302 476 2753
Friday, September 28, 2007
Coastal Vacations is a great business
Treat your Coastal Business as a business. That is rule number one. So many people think well I only spent $1295 and I dont have employees or a storefront so this cant be a real business. Well folks that is as far from the truth as can be. This is the new wave of business. Automation and the internet have changed the way business is done. You need to change your mindset and understand that business is now a global industry and the number one tool is the computer.How can I treat my business as a business? Well first you have to model it after a traditional business. What does that mean you ask? Okay in any business you need a product, our product is travel. Respect that you are part of the 7 trillion dollar industry that it is. When you respect something you treat it correctly. As a business you need to make hours of operation. Marketing strategies need to be implemented. A plan has to be in place. As a serious business owner these things must be your top priority. I look at my business as a billion dollar empire and one day it will pay me that way. I know thats a lofty expectation but hey I shoot for a billion and get a million well ill still be happy. If you have Bentley in your driveway how would you treat it? Well Coastal can be that Bentley. Businesses have budgets so have one for your Coastal business. This is not a hobby. Many people have made 6 figures and some 7 figures in this business. Look at your expenses. See what your assets are as well as what your liabilities are. Understand and learn the business of business. Learn to barter services with other business owners. I cant tell you how many times ive bartered a great trip for a service. Give a printer at a print shop a much needed vacation and get your flyers in exchange. Maybe you can get business cards. I have even bartered trips for ad space as well as to secure rooms for a presentation. You have a business with an unlimited supply of inventory. Use that inventory.I understand how valuable my business is. It's like being the best looking person in the party. You know you have what everyone wants so you are the hunted. Act accordingly. Understand you are important and have something to offer. So many of us get desperate and chase people. We need that next sale so bad we lose our composure. Never be that person. When you are desperate the people feel it and will string you along. You lose all of your posture. Remember you offer a service that everyone loves. You offer it at an incredible price. This is my first tidbit of information on how to treat Coastal as a business. Stay tuned as I share my experiences and help all that are looking at this incredible opportunity.
If you want to see what Coastal is about go to and watch the great presentation then call me for more details @ 302 476 2753
Monday, September 17, 2007
Cruisng on a Budget
As the saying should go “Once you go Cruise you never go back”. Ask anyone that has been on a cruise and 95% will say they cannot wait to go back. And why wouldn’t they?
Amazing accommodations, gorgeous views, romantic settings, on-going exciting on board activities and all the food any one person could eat in a lifetime. All this at prices most of us can’t afford to miss. For an average of about $2500 two people can have the adventure of a lifetime.
Now savvy travelers have learned to enjoy this lavish lifestyle on discount. Understand tourism and travel is a 5.9 trillion dollar industry. The cruise lines as well as each hotspot these cruise lines go to need and want your happiness. How can they make this happen? Specials, specials, specials!!!!!!!!!! As a rule of thumb in traveling any time you book a cruise a good idea is to do it 6-12 months in advance. This assures great deals as the availability is high and they want to book as many rooms as possible. Remember whether one person or thousands are on the ship the ship will sail. Now to make it cost effective the cruise line wants as many passengers as possible. So book early.
Now one of the strategies to understand is this. As the departure dates gets closer remember the cruise line wants as many rooms booked as possible. Getting a room last minute offers great savings. Now there are pluses and minus to this. The good side is amazing deals at low prices. The downside is maybe the exact room you wanted wouldn’t be available. But hey every room on a cruise is awesome. So last minutes deals offer some golden nuggets.
Another tip on saving money on booking your cruise is to understand you spend most of you time outside your room. It’s like the big dance, or concert, or show. It’s about the event. The room while it has to be comfortable is primarily for rest from all your activities. Cut cost here. Prioritize your trip. More money for the bars, shops, tourist attractions, and less for the room. Remember the room is again for storing your purchases as well as resting your tired body from all the shopping and partying.
Now that we have talked about tips on how to save on the entire trip lets talk about where to find savings. Travel agents are good for the traveler that wants the trip to be found and researched for them. Tell a travel agent where you want to go and for how long and through their extensive network they can find you a great deal. Understand they are paid for their services so your cruise cost will reflect their fee. Now if you have the time on your hands and are somewhat computer savvy you can save a lot of money on your own. Go to any major search engine and type in keywords such as “cheap cruise” or “budget cruises” and get a veritable plethora of selections.
Another option is wholesale travel companies such as YTB and Coastal Vacations. They offer great deals on packages. Be sure to read over their offers as they offer amazing incentives for incredible wholesale packages. Look at this option like you would look at a Costco or a BJ’s Club. Through bulk buying they can offer their savings on to you the end user.
We would like to end this article with the following bit of advice. Deciding to go on a cruise is a no-brainer. The brain power comes in the gathering of information. Do your due diligence. Knowledge is power. Learn the inner workings of cruising and become familiar with who offers what services. Then fit the services to your needs and budget. That’s it in a nutshell. So why are you still reading this go out and book your cruise. See you on the seas of the world.
Amazing accommodations, gorgeous views, romantic settings, on-going exciting on board activities and all the food any one person could eat in a lifetime. All this at prices most of us can’t afford to miss. For an average of about $2500 two people can have the adventure of a lifetime.
Now savvy travelers have learned to enjoy this lavish lifestyle on discount. Understand tourism and travel is a 5.9 trillion dollar industry. The cruise lines as well as each hotspot these cruise lines go to need and want your happiness. How can they make this happen? Specials, specials, specials!!!!!!!!!! As a rule of thumb in traveling any time you book a cruise a good idea is to do it 6-12 months in advance. This assures great deals as the availability is high and they want to book as many rooms as possible. Remember whether one person or thousands are on the ship the ship will sail. Now to make it cost effective the cruise line wants as many passengers as possible. So book early.
Now one of the strategies to understand is this. As the departure dates gets closer remember the cruise line wants as many rooms booked as possible. Getting a room last minute offers great savings. Now there are pluses and minus to this. The good side is amazing deals at low prices. The downside is maybe the exact room you wanted wouldn’t be available. But hey every room on a cruise is awesome. So last minutes deals offer some golden nuggets.
Another tip on saving money on booking your cruise is to understand you spend most of you time outside your room. It’s like the big dance, or concert, or show. It’s about the event. The room while it has to be comfortable is primarily for rest from all your activities. Cut cost here. Prioritize your trip. More money for the bars, shops, tourist attractions, and less for the room. Remember the room is again for storing your purchases as well as resting your tired body from all the shopping and partying.
Now that we have talked about tips on how to save on the entire trip lets talk about where to find savings. Travel agents are good for the traveler that wants the trip to be found and researched for them. Tell a travel agent where you want to go and for how long and through their extensive network they can find you a great deal. Understand they are paid for their services so your cruise cost will reflect their fee. Now if you have the time on your hands and are somewhat computer savvy you can save a lot of money on your own. Go to any major search engine and type in keywords such as “cheap cruise” or “budget cruises” and get a veritable plethora of selections.
Another option is wholesale travel companies such as YTB and Coastal Vacations. They offer great deals on packages. Be sure to read over their offers as they offer amazing incentives for incredible wholesale packages. Look at this option like you would look at a Costco or a BJ’s Club. Through bulk buying they can offer their savings on to you the end user.
We would like to end this article with the following bit of advice. Deciding to go on a cruise is a no-brainer. The brain power comes in the gathering of information. Do your due diligence. Knowledge is power. Learn the inner workings of cruising and become familiar with who offers what services. Then fit the services to your needs and budget. That’s it in a nutshell. So why are you still reading this go out and book your cruise. See you on the seas of the world.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Today is the first day of the rest of my life
Today is Sept 13. Two days after the anniversary of the WTC plane bombings. I feel like im arising from the ashes myself. Business has been distracted for the past few months and I lost focus on whay I ever got started. It is important to face issues but never to lose focus of the total goal. So today I refocused. The time is now to act. My passion is people and I plan on opening myself up to the gift of friendship today. I am going to bring to myself everything I have told myself I am entitled to have.
Where are you today? Are you focused? If not get focused. Take the situation by the horns and handle it. Get what you want and deserve.
Where are you today? Are you focused? If not get focused. Take the situation by the horns and handle it. Get what you want and deserve.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
It begins now!
Hello all. My name is Adam and welcome to my blog. There are many blogs out there so im honored if you are taking the time to read mine. Im very new to this so bear with me as I learn the ropes and we will grow together.
Ill start off by telling a bit about why I am blogging. For the past few years I have been involved in various home based businesses. Our main interest is in travel. Travel is one of the worlds biggest industries. 7 trillion dollars is spent every year on travel. Who doesnt like to travel?
One of our other ventures is in my passion of being on the internet. I have learned alot about internet marketing and have begun to start creating web pages as well as lead capture pages. This is a truly exciting venture.
Stay tuned as I share what it is I do on a semi-daily basis and grow with me on this journey called life.
Ill start off by telling a bit about why I am blogging. For the past few years I have been involved in various home based businesses. Our main interest is in travel. Travel is one of the worlds biggest industries. 7 trillion dollars is spent every year on travel. Who doesnt like to travel?
One of our other ventures is in my passion of being on the internet. I have learned alot about internet marketing and have begun to start creating web pages as well as lead capture pages. This is a truly exciting venture.
Stay tuned as I share what it is I do on a semi-daily basis and grow with me on this journey called life.
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